Just go abroad first, money is easy to make over there. Once you get there like this, in less than six months you will be a millionaire” These are the words and advice many people get when they are about to JAPA. They are filled with the ideology that making money is so easy and once you leave the shores of Africa, nothing can stop them, and it will all be easy peezy like candy.
Many folks JAPA to go there to make it big, and when they get there, they get hit with the reality of things. It’s not a place where money grows on trees, it’s not a place with countless job opportunities where you are hired for an executive job before you even submit your resume. Many people have traveled with this mentality, only to go there and end up doing menial jobs, worse than they were doing while back home. Lots of senior people who were doing well in their home countries have quit their well-paying jobs, sold their properties, and left everything just to relocate to another country, and at the end of the day, they end up doing menial jobs like driving cabs.
These stories you hear are not just stories, they are real and could happen to anyone who relocates without the proper information. That is why we are bringing this FREE event to your doorstep.
Before you JAPA, Things you must know. Come and listen to real life stories from Africans who have gone through the same process you wish to go through, come and hear what you won’t get from your travel agent, come and experience many AHA! moments during this event.
Date: 30th June 2024
Time: 6PM
Venue: Google Meet
Link: google.meet
Code: wrjxodoixs
Don’t Miss This!!

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